Enhancing Data Integrity in Telemedicine System Using Blockchain Approach


  • Effiong Nkereuwem Department of Computer Science, Akwa Ibom State University, Ikot Akpaden
  • Godwin Ansa Department of Computer Science, Akwa Ibom State University, Ikot Akpaden


Telemedicine, Blockchain, Algorand, Smart Contract, Cryptography, Electronic Health records (EHR)


The improvement that has come with tele-medicine has resulted in the availability of healthcare for all patients, especially those who reside in areas with a shortage of nearby medical professionals. This has also made it less expensive compared to in-person appointments. Records tampering by health workers and other forms of data breaches have come to affect the confidence of telemedicine systems. This research work aims to design a telemedicine system using the Algorand blockchain platform by incorporating the features of blockchain, to enhance data integrity by providing tamper-proof and unauthorized access and using Algorand Smart Contract (ASCIs) to enable, secure and provide verifiable management, allowing patients to control and provide explicit consent, this empowers patients with greater control over their data. Python programming language and PHP is used for the front end, and Algorand, which uses Python language for Algorand Smart Contracts (ASCIs), implemented using a stack-based language called Transaction Execution Approval Language (TEAL) for the backend. The methodology adopted is the Direct Science method, which applies process steps such as problem awareness, suggestion, development, evaluation, and conclusion. This eventually gives a robust system that is tamper-proof and provides a cost-effective and scalable platform compared to the existing work. This helps address concerns such as data breaches, unauthorized access, and data manipulation, which can compromise the safety and confidentiality of patients' sensitive medical information.

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How to Cite

Nkereuwem, E., & Ansa, G. (2023). Enhancing Data Integrity in Telemedicine System Using Blockchain Approach. Researchers Journal of Science and Technology, 3(2), 55–67. Retrieved from https://rejost.com.ng/index.php/home/article/view/64