Implications of Crude Oil Exploration and Exploitation on Seasonal Variability of pH and Electrical Conductivity of Arable Soil, Water and Sediment of Ibeno Coastal Area, Niger Delta, Nigeria
Electrical Conductivity, pH, Environment, Pollution, Niger DeltaAbstract
Crude oil exploration in Niger Delta, Nigeria has led to pollution of arable agricultural land, water and air through oil spills, gas flaring, effluent discharge, illegal oil bunkering, pipe line vandalism and artisanal refining. This results in low food production because of decrease in soil nutrients and damage to aquatic life. pH and EC are master variables in agricultural productivity because they determine optimal nutrient availability and soil chemistry. It in this regard that this research was designed to investigate the implications of crude oil exploration and exploitation on pH and Electrical conductivity (EC) on the area. An experimental design method was adopted for this study. Fifteen composite samples each of soil, sediment and water were collected in June 2023 and December, 2023 representing wet and dry seasons, respectively. The soil, sediment and water samples were collected using augers, corers and clean plastic bottles, respectively. Soil and sediment samples were air dried, mechanically ground using a mortar and pestle, and sieved with a 2 mm mesh size and stored for further analysis. Conductivity meter, model Eijlkam K611 and HI98161 - Hanna pH instruments were used to measure the electrical conductivity and pH. The mean pH of the soil, sediment and water for the dry season were 6.633, 6.113 and 6.387, respectively. Also, the mean pH of the soil, sediment and water for wet season were 6.446, 6.226 and 5.867 respectively. The average pH of soil, water and sediment was within the WHO and DPR threshold range of 6.5-8.5. The electrical conductivity of the soil, sediment and water for the dry season were 485.26 µS cm-1, 342.86 µS cm-1 and 243.00 µS cm-1, respectively. The mean electrical conductivity of soil, sediment and water for wet season were 402.86 µS cm-1, 316.86 µS cm-1 and 298.80 µS cm-1, respectively. The electrical conductivity of the soil and sediment in the dry season was higher than that in the wet season, except water. This research presents data on the seasonal variation of pH and electrical conductivity, (which constitutes important parameters in overall soil chemistry) in soil, sediment and water of Ibeno Coastal Region, Niger Delta available and useful for reference in soil, sediment and water quality.
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